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Varna, Jati, Caste ~ Rajiv Malhotra & Vijaya Vishwanathan

Genre: Non-Fiction Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ As a girl born and raised in India for 23 years, I have seen the role …


Embracing 25: Setting Sail & Mapping My Goals

Hey there! I turned 25 this week, and despite not being able to celebrate my birthday the way I had …


Every Turn of My Life

Oh boy! Where have you been all this while? I searched for you at every turn of my life! And …


Standing at the Cross-Roads!!

One year and eleven months later, Holding a degree in my hand and Memories in my mind, I am standing …


Daring Greatly ~ Brene Brown

“It’s not what you do; it’s why you do it that makes the difference.” There are plenty of books that …


Falling Forward ~ Embracing Change and Growth in Fall🍂

I attended an event last week at my university, which was a gathering organized by the clubs I’m a part …

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