The Contemplation from Israel War

Dear Diary,

“There has never been a protracted war from which a country has benefited” ~ Anonymous.

While I am able to sleep peacefully in my bed every night, there’s a part of the world where people are afraid to close their eyes due to being in the midst of a war in the Middle East. This morning, while I was on my way to campus, I was listening to the news on Spotify, and the conversations people were sharing over the internet gave me goosebumps. Regardless of the geographical politics between these countries, it’s difficult for me to understand why countries engage in wars that result in the loss of innocent lives, who are not at fault for the conflict. While it’s understandable for countries to go to war to defend themselves and their people, I can’t help but feel that the leaders who initiate these wars should be smarter and more considerate. This led me to contemplate a few things: ‘How grateful I should be to live a life without worrying about my survival, food, or sleep’; ‘How grateful I should be for my family and friends who think of me and care for me’; and ‘How grateful I am to be in a place where I have things that many people are working hard for or dreaming about’.

“If you live the questions, life will move on into the answers” ~ Deepak Chopra

Lately, I have not only stopped appreciating all the wonderful things in my life but have also been complaining a lot about not having a job yet and worrying about what I should do about it. Of course, finding a job remains a top priority and an important goal in my life, especially since I don’t want to deplete my father’s savings, as he’ll be retiring next year. However, I believe it’s crucial for me to start being grateful for everything I have in my life and remind myself of it every day. I can’t even imagine what people living in those war-torn countries must be going through, and honestly, I can’t fathom if I can even help them in any way. As much as I want to do something for those people, I’m also concerned about my job prospects. It often feels like if only I had a job, I would do this and I would do that. Finding a balance between pursuing my dreams and being grateful for the present is something I need to work on.

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things” ~ Robert Brault

Till I overthink about some other topic,

Your Writer 🙂
Teja Sree Goli

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